1 | "BLITZ" & "B" Patrols crossed to FIASTRA W 3184 over SIBILLINI MOUNTAINS. Intention take CAMERINO with co-operation of PARTISANS. Chased enemy from all positions overlooking route 77 engaged GARMAN positions in CAPA LA PIAGGIA ref. X 2896 & in CAMERINO from position 1 mile north of SAN MARCELLO X 2591 & 1 mile north of CINIANO X 2492 - enemy mortar fire - no casualties. Tpr. CARLING,G.D. found unsuitable for service with this unit and R.T.U. | ||
2 | First light - attacked CAMERINO in co-operation with PARTISAN INFANTRY from direction CAPOLA PIAGGIA & MUCCIA X 2388 ENEMY left CAMERINO losing 20 killed. | ||
1700 | Sent message to 12 LANCERS to come up to CAMERINO which they did by mid-day - POPSKI took patrol P.P.A. & 12 LANCERS to CASTELRAINMONDO S 2303. Engaged & beat off enemy rearguard with help of local PARTISANS, built ford across river POTENZA - "S" Patrol & "P" Patrol joined "BLITZ" & "B" in CAMERINO having repaired Jeep damaged on 21st & bringing supplies ferried from SARANO over MONTESIBILLINI. | ||
3 | "B" Patrol send direction MATELICA S 1908 - "BLITZ" "S" & "P" Patrols to COLCERASA S 3515 on road SAN SEVERINO to CINGOLIO S 3722 - engaged enemy rearguard & withdrew to SAN SEVERINO having completed recce of enemy positions. | ||
4 | Recced enemy positions between COLCERASA & TREIA S 4514 "B" Patrol having by-passed MATELICA & chased enemy from ESANATOGLIA S 1507. | ||
5 | "BLITZ" "S" & "P" engaged enemy at CASTEL SAN ANGELO S 3316. Enemy arty fire no casualties. | ||
6 | "S" Patrol recce to CASEL SAN PIETRO S 2914 - "B" Patrol recce north of ESANATOGLIA. | ||
7 | "B" Patrol in conjunction with "A" Squadron 12 LANCERS at MATELICA forward recce to COLAMATO S 1512 & ATIGIO S 1314 coming under heavy mortar fire casualty one O.R. wounded Tpr. D.O'NEIL through Jeep accident (rolling down mountain side) & one Jeep damaged but recovered. Both W/T sets damaged & out of action. | ||
8 | "S" Patrol on foot, "BLITZ" & "P" in Jeeps attacked CASTEL SAN PIETRO killing two & bringing back one prisoner. CASTEL SAN PIETRO evacuated by enemy at night. New wireless set sent to "B" Patrol collected & eventually repaired two damaged sets. P/A/C.Q.M.S. MOSS granted W/S rank. | ||
9 | "BLITZ" "S" & "P" crossed the APPENINES via FOLIGNO & moved up to PIETRALUNGA R 7430 which had been reported by 8 ARMY as free of enemy & affording an easy route to enemy rear near FIOBBICO R 7946. The situation at PIETRALUNGA had altered since message gad been originated & the town was found to be held by a platoon of 4 INDIAN DIV. who were trying unsuccessfully to beat off a fierce counter attack by the GERMANS - "B" Patrol moved SERVADICA S 9519 via FIUMINATO S 1301 & engaged enemy south of CANCELLI S 0614. | ||
10 | "BLITZ" "S" & "P" Patrol moved back to ASSISI & drew supplies - "B" Patrol crossed to GUALDO TADINO over MONTE MAGGIO across country, engaged enemy positions north of CUALDO TADINO causing several casualties & withdrawal of enemy. | ||
11 | "BLITZ" "S" & "P" Patrols moved to GUALDO TADINO where they met "B" Patrol | ||
12 | REST. | ||
13 | "B" Patrol engaged enemy at SCHIFFANOIA R 9205 in co-operation with 12 LANCERS - "S" Patrol crossed mountain range south of MONTE PENNA S 0504 to SERRADICA S 0619 CANCELLI & occupied FABRIANO S 1117. This town had been evacuated early that morning. Toward 1200 hrs "S" Patrol in FABRIANO came under fire from HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY ARTY. who had reached COLLAMATO S 1412. HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY were eventually brought into FABRIANO. Tpr. MACKMAN,W.H. found unsuitable for service with this unit & R.T.U. Lieut. HALLET,V. KRR. T.O.S. | ||
14 | REST for "S" "P" & "BLITZ". "B" Patrol engaged enemy at point 1 mile north of COLLICANANI. Machined gunned enemy foot parties two GERMAN wounded. | ||
15 | "S" Patrol in PONTEBOVESECCA S 1234 surprised GERMAN GARRISON set barracks on fired killed 22 GERMANS & blew up an ammo. dump. | ||
16 | REST | ||
17 | "B" Patrol entered GUBBIO R 8419 - "S" Patrol to recce north of CINGOLI. Sigmn. RADCLIFFE,P.J. posted this unit. | ||
18 | All Patrols concentrated at GUALDO TADINO ordered to pull out by 8 Army. | ||
19&20 | REST | ||
21 | Rest & maintenance. 929259 Gnr. WALKER,A. A.W.O.L.(& still so absent 31.7.44.) | ||
22 | 1500 | Left for SAN GREGORIO H 3209. | |
23 | 1800 | to | |
24 | 1800 | Patrols arrive independently at S. GREGORIO. | |
24 to 31 | REST - MAINTENANCE - Handing in - Replacement - Checking - of clothing & equipment. | ||
28 | POPSKI returns from conference with A.A.I. & 8 ARMY about future plans leaves again 30th. Dvr. WATKINS,E. appointed A/U/L/Cpl. Sgt, R.H. MITCHELL & Sgt. G. McDONALD despatched to transit camp en route for U.K. having completed qualifying period overseas. | ||
During month, Lieut. J.D. Campbell (Adjt) visited 8 Army & A.A.I. to arrange for re-equipping of P.P.A. Maintenance, Jeep modifications, etc. was carried out successfully in preparation for operation "ASTROLABE" (see Intelligence Summary) |