CASANOVA | 1.3.44 | Lt. A. Bray RAC admitted Hospital & S.O.S. |
5.3.44 | PPA reverts to cmd 10 Corps from 5 Div at 1000 hrs. | |
12.3.44 | Unit revert from cmd 10 Corps to 3 District (57 Area). Moves to new location CAIVANO (Naples Area) map ref N.3062) | |
CAIVANO | 19.3.44 | 322294 Tpr BLAKE P (RAC) R.T.U. & S.O.S. Unsuitable for Special Service. The unit undertakes Ski Training under supervision of Italian Ski Instructors. (Lt. FALCOZ, Cpl.Maj.GERALDINI, Pte. ALLIAUD) at SANGREGORIO above PEIDEMONTE d'Alife. It is a 10 days course and the unit is split into two parties. |
22.3.44 | Capt. R.P. Yunnie admitted to Hospital and s.o.s. same date. | |
25.3.44 | T/119614 Pte. Cahill posted this unit from 1547 LAA Pl RASC and t.o.s. w.e.f. 12.3.44. 319178 Tpr Sonley G (RAC) 403364 Tpr Griffin R (RAC), 318892 Tpr Hellier D (RAC) posted this unit from 16/5 Lancers and t.o.s. w.e.f. 2.3.44 (Authority: HQ Adv Rfts AFI 2143 dates 18.3.44. and RAC/16 dated 21.3.44.) | |
31.3.44 | 825490 Dvr. Owen B.J. (RASC) promoted A/P/L/Cpl w.e.f. 25.3.44 |